something i wrote 2 years ago has come back to impact me in full force...God's timing is divine.
His peace is perfect. His grace is divine. His love is unconditional. Ask, and He WILL meet you wherever you are. I have seen, felt, and experienced the power of Christ, and I am, yet again, a believer. Lord i believe. help me with my unbelief.
the piercing pain
the sting of death
and yet You remain...
i flounder and faulter
i stumble and wander
yet You remain.
a child so lost
fearful and uncertain
an orphan but surrounded
but suddenly i see my Father's face
my windy road is straightened
and lit with unending grace
now to walk in freedom
a daily decision
i choose grace over chains
bondage no more
the wreckage long destroyed
my pain removed, because You remain